Why The Drive Medical Mobility Scooter Is a great Choice

Almost all of us have faced difficulty with our mobility at some point of our life or other. Accidents, whether minor or major, impacts our mobility when we injure our limbs in the process. People facing a personal mobility deficit due to an accident, medical condition or old age will require a power mobility product if they desire to lead a normal, mobile and active lifestyle.Scooter Rijbewijs Tilburg 

Power Mobility Devices (PMDs) are the class of wheelchairs that includes power wheelchairs (four-wheeled motorized vehicles whose steering is operated by an electronic device or joystick) or POVs (three or four-wheeled motorized mobility scooters that are operated by a tiller) that one can use for mobility and transport purposes.

A power wheelchair is beneficial to persons with severe weakness of the upper extremities (due to a neurologic or muscular condition) because it enables the user to operate the wheelchair using a single hand, or head control. These are more apt for in-home use due to their smaller turning radius. They are not designed for frequent, outside use (like shopping, travel trips etcetera)

Power Operated Vehicles (POVs) or power mobility scooters overcome this limitation of their wheelchair counterparts. Mobility scooters are designed to provide an individual with increased access to the community by enabling people to cope with normal vocational and social activities. These are suitable for people having good trunk control, adequate upper body strength and dexterity to operate the controls and be able to transfer to/from the scooter seat. POVs are very popular among seniors who only able to walk or stand for limited time.

For users who are constantly on-the-move and require easy-to-transport mobility with superior value, Drive Medical Scooters seem to be the uncontested choice. They offer a variety of options catering to specific needs of the individuals. They are often also covered under insurance policies like Medicare.


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